NHS Prevention Programmes
The NHS Prevention Programme is a national initiative aimed at preventing common health issues and supporting individuals to take action through supported self-management. Explore the programmes below.
1. Diabetes Prevention Programme
Thrive Tribe provides a free, 9 month, NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme to help you reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes through healthy lifestyle changes.
How to access this service: Self-referral is available. Complete and submit the online form.
Contact: 0333 047 9999
2. Latent Tuberculosis (LTBI) Programme
The LTBI programme screens individuals at risk of tuberculosis. If active TB is suspected, patients are referred to local TB services. Eligible patients undergo a blood test and are offered additional tests as per local protocols.
o Born in or lived over 6 months in a high TB incidence country (≥150/100,000 or Sub-Saharan Africa)
o Entered the UK in the last 5 years
o aged between 16 – 35 years, with no previous TB history or LTBI screening in the UK
How to access this service: GP referral for LTBI screening and blood test.
Link: https://www.england.nhs.uk/ourwork/prevention/tuberculosis-programme/
3. Weight Management Programme
This 12-week programme supports adults with obesity in managing their weight and improving long-term health. The programme is tailored for those with diabetes, high blood pressure, or both.
The programme is available to people that meet the following criteria:
o are over the age of 18
o BMI of 30+ (adjusted to ≥27.5 for Black, Asian, and minority ethnic groups)
o Diagnosed with diabetes, hypertension, or both
How to access this service: GP referral required.
Link: NHS England » The NHS Digital Weight Management Programme
4. Alcohol Abuse Prevention Programme
This programme offers confidential support for individuals looking to reduce their alcohol intake and prevent alcohol-related health issues. Personalised advice, counselling, and resources are provided to help manage and prevent alcohol misuse.
Eligibility: Adults concerned about alcohol consumption or experiencing early signs of alcohol dependency.
How to access this service: GP referral or self-referral through local alcohol support services.
Link: https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/alcohol-advice/alcohol-support/
Contact: Call NHS Helpline at 0300 123 1110 for more information.
5. Smoking Cessation Programme
NHS Stop Smoking Services provide tailored support to help you quit smoking, including counselling, nicotine replacement therapy, and digital resources. Quitting smoking reduces risks of heart disease, lung cancer, and other serious conditions.
Eligibility: Open to all smokers ready to quit.
How to access this service: Self-referral through support services.
Links: Quit smoking - Better Health - NHS and local service https://www.oneyoumerton.org/
Contact: Call Smokefree National Helpline at 0300 123 1044.
6. Bowel Cancer Screening
Bowel screening tests to see if people show any early signs of bowel cancer.
As part of the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme, men and women aged 54-74 are sent a home testing kit every two years to do a faecal immunochemical test (FIT) and collect a small sample of poo to be checked for tiny amounts of blood which could be caused by cancer.
How to access: GP will offer test to eligible patients
Helpline contact: 0800 707 60 60