What is a carer?
A carer is a person who is unpaid and looks after or supports someone else who needs help with their day to day life, because of:
their age
a long-term illness
mental health problems
substance misuse
Carer tasks may include help with tasks such as getting up and going to bed, washing, dressing, using the toilet, shopping, cleaning, laundry and making meals. The care may mean keeping an eye on people who are confused or at risk if not supervised, or encouraging them to do everyday things for themselves. Carers may be family members, including children and young people, who live with the person they care for, or family, friends or neighbours who live elsewhere.
The term ‘carer’ does not include any carer who:
gets payment either in cash or in another way for the care they provide
works as a volunteer on behalf of a voluntary organisation.
As a registered carer, you are eligible for a range of priority services to maintain your health and wellbeing:
Flu vaccinations: Carers are eligible for priority flu jabs to help protect both you and those you care for.
Annual health checks: To support your ongoing health, we offer annual health checks to ensure you’re receiving the care you need.
Wellbeing support: Carers can access additional wellbeing support, including referrals to mental health resources.
It is important that we know if you are a carer so that we can make sure you receive information, services and the help that is available. If you are a carer please complete the form below.
Register as a Carer Form:
Additional Support
We are committed to supporting individuals who provide essential care to others. There are also local services designed to support carers. For additional information on the range of resources and assistance available, please visit the below organisations.
Carers First - Merton
Provides online help and advice, as well as 1-2-1 practical and emotional support for carers.
Telephone: 0300 303 1555
Website: Carersfirst - Merton
Email: hello@carersfirst.org.uk
Carers UK
Provides unpaid carers with expert information, advice and support, and also campaign to make life better for carers.
Telephone: 020 7378 4999
Website: www.carersuk.org
Email: info@carersuk.org
Our Annual Declaration